
Konane is a two-player ancient board game of strategy from Hawaii. The game can be played on any size board, but traditional boards have 6x7, 8x11, 12x15, or 14x17 configurations.

One player plays with BLACK pieces and another with WHITE pieces. The game starts with the board filled with both player's pieces alternating to fill all the slots. BLACK starts first.

Players alternate turns to jump and capture at least one opponent piece.

To start the game, the BLACK player removes a black piece from anywhere on the board, EXCEPT the edge. OR removes one of the BLACK corner pieces.

The WHITE player will then remove a white piece adjacent to the space left by the black player (except a White piece along the edge). Only if a BLACK corner piece is removed, a WHITE piece along the edge can be removed.

The game begins. In subsequent turns players simply capture adjacent opponent pieces by jumping over it to the vacant spot immediately after the opponent piece horizontally or vertically. Player can continue to capture opponent pieces in the same direction if possible in the same turn (optionally).

Player cannot change direction of movement is the same turn.

The game ends when a player cannot make any capture in his/her turn and that player loses the game.

Rules provided by Kapena Baptista