
Alquerque is a two-player abstract strategy game believed to have originated in the middle east. The game is considered to be the parent of Draughts and Fanorona. All pieces are laid out in a patterned board with only one vacant point at the enter. Each player starts with 12 pieces which are placed on opposite sides. White starts first. Players alternate turn to play. The aim is to capture all of opponent's pieces to win. The rules are as following

  • In each turn a player can move a piece one step along a marked line to an adjacent empty point (any direction; back, front or sideways).
  • A piece can capture opponent piece by jumping over it and landing to empty point just beyond it (similar to draughts).
  • Captures are manatory if possible and more than one capture can be done in the same turn if possible.
  • The game is won by the player who captures all of opponent pieces. A player can also lose if he/she has no available moves.