
PentoMax is a two player strategy game played using two sets of distinct Pentominoes sets, each set consisting 12 unique shapes of distinct color. This game was invented by Andy Lewicki. Players alternate placing pieces on the board from their Pentominoes set, covering whole squares and without overlap. The aim is to block opponent from being able to make a move. The player who can not make a move loses.

Game starts with empty board and played as following.

  • Each player lays out his/her pentominoes set.
  • One player plays with green and second plays with red. Greens starts first.
  • The first player chooses one of his/her pieces and places it on the board. After that the turn is passed to the opponent who also chooses one of his/her pieces and places it on the board.
  • Players alternate turn to pick one of their pieces and place it on the board while trying to block the opponent from being able to play a piece.
  • Pieces can be rotated/reflected while playing so asymmetrical pentominoes can be played in 8 different ways whereas symmetrical pentominoes can be played in up to 4 different ways.
  • The winner is the last player to place a piece.
  • Note: This game can also be played in solitaire mode following the same rules. Play green first and then red and so on. The goal in solitaire mode is to move all tiles to the board. The red will always win in solitaire play.
  • Drag and drop a piece on the board covering empty cells.
  • Double-click a piece to rotate.